Another bright light in the world of animation has passed away. Acclaimed character designer Derek Wyatt, who is best known for his signature design...
FOX has ordered the all-new animated sleuth comedy Grimsburg, starring and executive produced by Emmy Award winner Jon Hamm (Mad Men, Top Gun: Maverick),...
The reimagined Rugrats are getting into more diaper-filling adventures as eight new episodes bring Tommy, Chuckie, Angelica, Susie, Phil & Lil back to Paramount+...
Taking a break from announcing new animated shows in development, Fox is making room for the next Animation Domination class by cancelling Emily Spivey's...
Disney Television Studios has announced a new production unit dedicated to adult-targeted toons, dubbed 20th Television Animation. Longtime 20th/Fox TV executive Marci Proietto is...
Following the announcement last summer that the record-smashing animated sitcom was enacting new voice casting policies and would no longer have white actors perform...
In this week's all-new holiday episode of FOX's Emmy and Annie Award-winning animated sitcom Bob's Burgers, the family Belcher is off to mingle with...
MTV Studios (part of the Entertainment and Youth Group), a unit of ViacomCBS, announced today that Academy Award and Golden Globe-winning creators Phil Lord...
Responding to real-time shifts in the marketplace, FOX, this season’s #1 network among Adults 18-49 and the only network to experience year-to-year growth in...
FOX Entertainment and social broadcasting platform Caffeine are partnering to launch the Anidom Beyond Show, an all-new live and interactive program hosted by Emmy...
Titmouse, Inc. is one of the several super-busy animation houses that has been able to make a smooth transition to this new COVID-19 “work-from-home”...
Fox TV is adopting a new addition to its Animation Domination lineup, giving a series order to Housebroken (formerly titled Therapy Dog), which already...
FOX Entertainment has ordered a second season of the new animated series Bless the Harts, to air during the 2020-2021 season. With animation serving...
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