Another Disney alum is joining the ranks of creatives working with Skydance Animation (Luck, Blush), established in 2017 and headed by former Pixar chief...
Burny Mattinson, a Disney Legend who spent an unprecedented 70 years adding to the artistic and storytelling magic of Walt Disney Animation Studios, died...
Disney+ has an exciting holiday gift for fans as Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Strange World is heading to the streaming service beginning December 23....
tinyBuild, the creator and publisher of the hit video game franchise Hello Neighbor, created by CEO Alex Nichiporchik and Jon Carnage (Twitch TV), has...
Annapurna, the entertainment company spanning film, TV, games, and theater, is establishing an Animation division co-led by former Disney animation executives Robert Baird and...
A new featurette exploring Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Strange World has landed, revealing how the voice cast describes the upcoming feature: crazy, bizarre, adventurous, mysterious,...
In the wake of Mike Moon's departure as Director of Adult Animation earlier this summer, Netflix is bolstering its animation team by welcoming onboard...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
Big Hero 6 director Chris Williams is no stranger...
Everyone’s favorite huggable, inflatable, personal healthcare robot is back. Baymax, the beloved character introduced in Disney’s Oscar-winning 2014 feature Big Hero 6, is the...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 397 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Strange World, the upcoming feature from Walt Disney Animation Studios, won’t play in French theaters, owing to a spat over windowing. The clips exclusively...
As part of Netflix's feature film spotlight during Geeked Week, the official full trailer for the CG animated family adventure The Sea Beast has risen from the...
Fans got an early look at Walt Disney Animation Studio's all-new feature film Strange World today, with a newly released teaser trailer and poster paying...
In celebration of National Streaming Day, Disney+ has released a new trailer and key art for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Baymax!
Streaming exclusively on Disney+...
The legendary Toei Animation studio, in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) announced an exclusive Anime Expo ( performance...
During an exclusive online event, Disney and game developer Kabam revealed fresh details for Disney Mirrorverse, the team-based, action role-playing game (RPG) releasing June...
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