Cartoon Network has doubled down on global hit series The Amazing World of Gumball, having greenlight two additional seasons (third and fourth) of the...
The British Animation Awards have revealed their honorees for the 2014 awards ceremony, which took place today at the British Film Institute's Southbank, London...
Animac, the International Film Festival of Animation in Catalonia, will be celebrating its 18th birthday by devoting the 2014 edition (February 20-23 in Lleida,...
Turner Broadcasting has commissioned a third season of critically acclaimed cartoon The Amazing World of Gumball, the debut series from its London-based Cartoon Network...
Cartoon Network Europe’s hot new series serves up the adventures of an animated sitcom family with amazing verve and visual pizzazz.
If you’re been searching...
The Amazing World of Gumball, the first U.K.-produced full-length animated series to emerge from Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe, is set to premiere in...
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