HBO Max continues the animation purge begun following the costly Warner Discovery merger, which added a number of current animated series to the chopping...
In recognition of June as World Refugee Month, award-winning media charity org Kids Entertainment Professionals for Young Refugees (KEPYR) is hosting an online original...
Disney+ has debuted a new featurette for The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, going behind-the-scenes with guest voice stars Al Roker, Lena Waithe and...
Disney+ has put Emily Kapnek’s animated musical project Rhona Who Lives by the River into development. The Disney Branded Television series is produced by...
An unthinkable tragedy propels Superman into a dangerous new mindset, ultimately pitting Justice League members against each other in Injustice, the all-new DC Animated...
Batman: The Long Halloween
A brutal murder on Halloween prompts the Batman (Jensen Ackles) to team up with Gotham's only honest lawmen, Cpt. Gordon (Billy...
The 33rd Annual Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, sponsored by comiXology, were presented at a virtual ceremony hosted by Phil LaMarr (Samurai Jack, Futurama)...
Golden Globes 2022 Canceled on NBC
The news comes as the Hollywood Foreign Press Association continues to stumble in its diversity journey, and WarnerMedia, Netflix...
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, announced it will exclusively premiere the massively popular Anpanman franchise from TMS Entertainment to English- and Spanish-speaking audiences.
Shadow Valley Productions, LLC, a creative-driven branded entertainment company, today introduces a delightful, but highly-unusual, vegan zombie family to young audiences in a newly...
This unpredictable year has led to all-new ways for fans to virtually engage with festivals, conventions and events around the world from the comfort...
This weekend, Mainframe Comic Con will present an ambitious and interactive, real-time convention experience for fans of comics, pop culture, wrestling and more.
Kicking off...
Following the recently announced Stan Lee Universe, Genius Brands International has entered a comic-book publishing agreement with Archie Comics (Archie, Betty & Veronica, Sabrina,...
Netflix Introduces New, Original Series 'All of Us Are Dead'
Based on the popular Korean webtoon Now at Our School, the apocalyptic adventure is about...
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