Italy's Rainbow Studios, known for the global hit Winx Club franchise, announces the upcoming release of the new animated series Mermaid Magic, coming to...
Animation veteran Delna Bhesania has joined Montreal-based Rezolution Pictures as head of its newly launched animation division. The news was announced today by Rezolution...
Ahead of the 61st annual Annecy International Animation Film Festival next week, Netflix has announced a slate of new animated films and series from...
Producer managers, supervisors, design assistants, casting assistances, storyboard coordinators and office production workers on adult sci-fi comedy toons Rick and Morty (Adult Swim) and...
Italy-based content group Rainbow has announced two key appointments at its Canadian studio Bardel Entertainment — a leading animation services provider in North America....
***This article originally appeared in the March '19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 288)***
The 21st Edition of Cartoon Movie puts 66 new animated features...
The international animated feature film co-production forum Cartoon Movie will hold its 21st edition March 5-7, returning to Bordeaux in France’s Nouvelle-Aquitaine region for...
After over a decade in development for the global market and attaining a sizable Korean investment, brand-new CG animated children's TV and multiplatform series...
One of the ways in which DreamWorks Animation Television is fulfilling its deal with Netflix is by adapting its successful features into animated series....
Animation Magazine's World Animation and VFX Summit has unveiled the initial list of industry panelists and guests for this year's event.
The World Animation &...
Rainbow, the largest studio in Europe, has acquired Canadian animation studio Bardel.
Rainbow is a content powerhouse with a presence in more than 150 countries...
Warner Bros. Animation takes the old Teen Titans characters in a totally new direction in the upcoming Cartoon Network series.
It’s a well-known fact that...
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