Following a well-attended rally last weekend, negotiations between the Animation Guild (IATSE Local 89) and the Alliance for Motion Picture and TV Producers (AMPTP)...
Unions and guilds representing workers across the many varied strata of Hollywood's film and television production industry have joined together in support of The...
After negotiations spanning almost a year, The Animation Guild announces the ratification of a new contract for animation workers at Nickelodeon Animation Studios that...
Today (Monday, April 3) at noon, The Animation Guild leadership and Walt Disney Animation Studios artists joined Walt Disney Animation Studios production workers in...
The Animation Educators Forum (AEF), a non-profit association of teachers and scholars whose focus is the art of animated film, announce the inaugural group...
Women in Animation (WIA) and The Animation Guild (TAG) are joining forces to encourage equality and flexibility in their industries and to support the...
Following a special meeting, the Animation Guild’s Executive Board voted to donate $210,000 to support all International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) members...
ASIFA-Hollywood has made new officer appointments to its Executive Board of Directors. Serving as Second and Third Vice Presidents, respectively, are Sue Shakespeare, President...
How Women Artists Used Their Union to Punish an Alleged Sexual Harasser
Following the game-changing Animation Guild ruling against Chris Savino, BuzzFeed News’ Ariane Lange...
The 7th annual General Membership Meeting for the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Educators Forum has been scheduled for May 5 at The Animation Guild in Burbank,...
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