The official short film spooktacular and live comedy programming details for this year's three-city Animation Block Party Halloween festivities have been announced. The ghoulish good...
Brooklyn's Animation Block Party wrapped a successful 20th edition this weekend, after celebrating three days of short film competition, special screenings and unique events. The...
Coming off of its big 20th Anniversary celebration, Brooklyn's Animation Block Party is ready to keep the fun going with the official 2023 festival! Returning...
Brooklyn’s coolest festival, the Animation Block Party will be celebrating its 20th anniversary edition on Saturday, June 3rd at 7 p.m. at BAM Film....
Animation Block Party’s 19th annual festival has launched with two original summer shorts lineups.
The Opening Night Celebration drops at Union Hall (702 Union Street,...
Dedicated to exhibiting the world's best animation, the Animation Block Party brand brought together animation festivals and block parties for the first time on...
All the tricks, treats, frights and funnies lurking around the corner for the Animation Block Halloween Special have been unwrapped. This seasonal edition of...
Animation veteran Mike Hollingsworth is having one of those crazy Hollywood years. Not only is he the supervising director of Netflix’s acclaimed show BoJack...
Brooklyn, New York’s annual Animation Block Party festival has posted its 2019 program, once again offering a signature blend of exciting new titles, carefully...
Animation Block Party ( has announced the official short film program for its outdoor alumni screening at Rooftop Films on Friday, June 21. The...
Another fun-filled edition of the Animation Block Party wrapped up Sunday night with a packed screening of Experimental Films, Graphic Design and Music Videos...
The 15th annual Animation Block Party has unveiled its official lineup of films which will be screening in Brooklyn from July 26-29. Covering everything...
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