Disney Branded Television today announced that An Almost Christmas Story, directed by David Lowery (Peter Pan & Wendy, The Green Knight, Pete's Dragon )...
A new animated short produced by acclaimed Spanish director Alfonso Cuarón will premiere on Disney + in November. Titled An Almost Christmas Story, the...
Spain's Weird Market, International Animation, Videogames and New Media Market and 3D Wire Fest, International Animation Festival, has revealed details of the content and...
To mark International Migrants Day on Wednesday, December 18, Families Belong Together -- a coalition of near 250 organizations working to end the detention...
The Visual Effects Society (VES), the industry’s professional global honorary society, named acclaimed director-producer-screenwriter Roland Emmerich as the next recipient of the VES Visionary...
Multi-award-winning VFX and animation studio Jellyfish Pictures has appointed Matthew Bristowe as Director of Operations. With both a creative and commercial background working for...
YouTube Disables Comments on Tens of Millions of Videos Featuring Kids in Effort to Prevent Adpocalypse 2.0
The video platform has been in damage control...
The nominees for the EE British Academy Film Awards have been announced, with period dramedy The Favourite leading with 12 nominations -- including Best...
The Producers Guild of America has announced the motion picture and television nominations for the 30th Annual Producers Guild Awards, presented by Cadillac. The...
The Visual Effects Society has named acclaimed writer-director-producer Jonathan Nolan as the next recipient of the VES Visionary Award in recognition of his valuable...
Leading 3D conversion, VFX and VR studio Legend 3D has brought onboard several new hires to its executive leadership team as the company strengthens...
The Visual Effects Society has named acclaimed producer and Marvel Studios Executive Vice President of Physical Production, Victoria Alonso as the next recipient of...
Oscar-nominated visual effects studio Image Engine is expanding its talent base with the hiring of three additional senior staff at its Vancouver headquarters: Visual...
The Los Angeles Times has released a multimedia report listing 100 people making a difference in increasing diversity in Hollywood, submitting the names to...
Moderator and director Raul Garcia led a discussion among luminaries from Mexico and Brazil during the World Animation and VFX Summit's panel on animation...
The stop motion animated film Anomalisa won the Grand Jury Prize at the prestigious Venice Film Festival this weekend.
The film, directed by renowned screenwriter...
J.J. Abrams will receive the Visual Effects Society's Visionary Award in recognition of his contributions to filmed entertainment. The award will be presented at...
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