Today, Disney Jr. revealed the cast and character posters for its upcoming, CG-animated preschool series RoboGobo — following the adventures of a pack of tech-powered house...
Nickelodeon is serving up seconds with the renewal of the Annie Award-winning The Tiny Chef Show, starring culinary social media sensation Tiny Chef. Produced...
The Annie Award-winning series Abominable and the Invisible City is returning to streaming screens this month when Season 2 (10 episodes) premieres on Hulu and Peacock...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Creating a beautifully crafted 2D-animated feature based on Ruth Stiles Gannett’s...
Netflix conjured a magical mid-week treat for animation fans this morning when it unveiled fresh artwork and a brand-new trailer for My Father's Dragon, Oscar-nominated...
DreamWorks Animation has defrosted the official series trailer, cast and premiere date for Abominable and the Invisible City. Inspired by the 2019 film Abominable, all...
The 66th BFI London Film Festival (which takes place Oct. 5-16) has announced that it will premiere Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio and director Nora...
8/30/22 Updated to include Scrooge release date.
As the days grow shorter, our list of must-see animation grows ever longer as Netflix has unveiled updates...
One of the most talked-about documentaries upon its world premeire at Sundance, My Old School is receiving a U.S. theatrical release through Magnolia Pictures starting...
The official trailer for Dead End: Paranormal Park has arrived! The new 2D animated series is bringing demonic mix ups, friendship and terrifying fun...
WarnerMedia streamer HBO Max is halting the royal procession of writer-producer Gary Janetti's British monarchy satire The Prince due to the death at age...
Take a surreal trip to the pumpkin patch with this clip from the recently premiered Michael Jackson's Halloween animated special, featuring the song "Dangerous"...
The estate of Michael Jackson, has announced a partnership with CBS to produce an hour-long animated Halloween special, featuring the late King of Pop’s...
A pair of under-the-radar animated features make this an interesting week for home video releases.
First, is Maya the Bee Movie (Shout! Factory; $24.97, 3D...
There's now a trailer for the just-announced Lucasfilm animated feature Strange Magic, due in theaters Jan. 23.
The feature is described as a madcap fairy-tale...
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