Pamela Hayden, who has given voice to Bart’s best friend Milhouse along with many other characters on the record-running animated series The Simpsons, has...
FOX today announced premiere highlights of its 2024-25 television season, featuring a brand-new addition to its Animation Domination lineup. “This year, we created a...
The longest-running primetime scripted show in television history is ready to set another milestone this fall with the debut of its ding-dang-doodly 35th season!...
Award season is ramping back up, and Animation Magazine is excited to once again present our exclusive Emmy Nominees Panel, featuring the creative minds behind some...
The Writers Guild of America (West) has announced that Kim Possible creators Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley will receive this year's Animation Writing Award,...
Hear from broadcast and streaming animation luminaries in Animag's latest exclusive roundtable, available to watch now for free.
Animation Magazine's 2021 Emmy Nominees Panel is...
FOX has renewed its Emmy Award-winning, record-setting Animation Domination staple The Simpsons for its 33rd and 34th seasons on FOX, carrying the series into...
TV animation writer and WGAW Animation Writers Caucus Chair Craig Miller (The Smurfs, Curious George, Pocket Dragon Adventures) will receive the Writers Guild of...
'Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror' Teaser Debuts, Panel Set for Paley Front Row
A sneak peek at the 2020 installment of The Simpsons Halloween tradition Treehouse...
In a mega animation brand crossover, the upcoming Disney-Pixar original feature Onward will be preceded in theaters not by a homegrown studio short, but...
The Television Academy dished out its 2019 Creative Arts Emmy Awards on the evenings of Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15, honoring outstanding...
Disney Television Studios including Twentieth Century Fox Television, ABC Studios and Fox 21 Television Studios takes over the San Diego Comic-Con convention with stars...
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