StudioCanal's upcoming animated feature Wings of Freedom, which pits some bird brains against a global artificial intelligence menace, is soaring to the American Film Market...
The first Epsilon Film development project, Nessie Junior, is ready to make waves as an upcoming animated movie highlight of the company's slate, with...
Epsilon Film has got its paws on the worldwide distribution rights for The Amazing Maurice 2, the upcoming CG-animated sequel featuring Maurice, the self-proclaimed...
Canadian animation company ICON Creative Studio has signed Owen Wilson (Cars, Wedding Crashers) to voice “Charlie” in the CG superhero adventure Charlie the Wonderdog....
Heading into the fall content markets, Studio 100 International has extended its development efforts by forming strategic partnerships with co-production partners and studios. The...
Ahead of the American Film Market, Studio 100 International has announced the production of Arnie & Barney, an animated action-comedy adventure about two unlikely...
Unions and guilds representing workers across the many varied strata of Hollywood's film and television production industry have joined together in support of The...
Top global animation producers and sales agents discuss their new 2024 titles and the state of the global market.
Michael Ryan
Partner & Producer, GFM Film...
You may not know this, but apparently, soccer fever has taken over the whole universe! In Magic Frame Animation and Creation Entertainment Media’s upcoming...
Studio 100 Film (Germany) and Phanta Animation (The Netherlands) today announce their partnership for the adventure-comedy movie, Miss Moxy. Production began in February 2023,...
Magic Frame Animation and Creation Entertainment Media today announced their co-production of upcoming CG-animated feature film, Rebellious (95’), which will have its global premiere...
The plucky Arctic bird heroes of CG-animated Puffins series are ready for their first big-screen assignment in Johnny Puff: Secret Mission, arriving in Q1 2024 from...
Montreal-Madrid based Pink Parrot Media has announced the voice cast for its 3D animated feature Butterfly Tale at this year’s American Film Market (AFM),...
Canada-Madrid-based international sales agent Pink Parrot Media (PPM) is expanding its distribution catalog, heading to the American Film Market (AFM) with two new titles...
The legendary Toei Animation studio, in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) announced an exclusive Anime Expo ( performance...
FredFilms (, the production entity by animation luminary Fred Seibert, announced two key promotions as the outfit continues to grow and build an exciting...
Popular interactive story app Weirdwood Manor has been adapted into an animated movie for the first time, titled Shadowrail Circus, now in production in...
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