Paramount+ today debuted the official trailer for the fifth and final season of its hit animated comedy series Star Trek: Lower Decks, premiering on...
With Halloween on the way, Netflix has debuted the teaser trailer for an appropriately supernatural animated treat on the way: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld....
Ahead of the animated series' launch tomorrow (Thursday, October 10), Netflix has dropped a sneak peek clip from Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft,...
L.O.L. Surprise!, the highly popular brand from toy and entertainment company MGA Entertainment (MGA), premiered the brand-new L.O.L. Surprise! The Skate Dance Movie on...
Following its debut with an all-star comedy event earlier this year, animation-driven politics nonprofit Now What!? has launched its first batch of animated shorts, free...
Laurence Rickard and Ben Willbond, part of the Theme There comedy theater collective who created the trans-Atlantic hit Ghosts, are reportedly in development on their...
Netflix and Mattel today revealed the premiere date, key art and official trailer for Barbie Mysteries: The Great Horse Chase, the latest chapter in the...
Netflix’s train of animated video game adaptations is moving full speed ahead. Coming off acclaimed interpretations of the Cyberpunk and Castlevania franchises and as...
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