CyberAgent, Inc. today announced the television anime adaptation of award-winning author Mokumokuren's The Summer Hikaru Died (published by Kadokawa) will be coming soon to...
Crunchyroll announced today at CCXP in Sāo Paulo that it has acquired the North American and select international theatrical rights including Brazil for the...
The legend of Goku continues when the English-language dub of Dragon Ball DAIMA arrives on Crunchyroll starting on January 10 in select territories. Based...
Ahead of its theatrical release in the U.S. and Canada this Friday, December 6, Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Entertainment have unveiled the English language...
***This article was written for the January '25 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 346)***
‘More than 35 years after Ranma Saotome first transformed from “boy-type” to “girl-type,”...
The Pokémon Company International announced today that the second season of Pokémon Horizons: The Series will premiere February 7, 2025, in the U.S. exclusively...
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