Japanese content sales outfit REMOW has announced that the anime adaptation of Tasokare Hotel will make its official television debut in January 2025, following a...
Timed the show's premiere in Japan on Nippon TV and international streaming debut on Netflix, the English-language voice cast of Ranma 1/2 was revealed. While...
Yoshimi Itazu’s The Concierge (2023) blends seemingly incompatible elements into a gentle, touching story. It’s a light comedy about a young woman growing into...
TV Asahi and Sony Pictures Networks India (SPNI) have announced a collaboration to produce a new sequel to the cult kids’ animation series Obocchama-kun...
An artistically ambitious new animated feature from Japan is ready to enchant U.S. audiences when Netflix debuts Mononoke The Movie: The Phantom in the...
Crunchyroll has acquired North American and select international theatrical rights for Solo Leveling -ReAwakening-, a cinematic fan experience that brings together a recap of...
Crunchyroll is planning an anime-filled return to New York Comic Con, with a slate of panels celebrating long-running, fan-favorite series and all-new anime coming...
A new kind of warfare descends in Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, a six-episode half-hour event series coming to Netflix on October 17. The Geeked Week...
Crunchyroll announced today that the heartwarming, emotionally charged anime Bocchi The Rock! Recap Part 1 & 2 will hit theaters in a limited special...
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Akira Toriyama’s original manga, which launched the Dragon Ball anime franchise, Toei Animation brings fans a brand...
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