Heroic Signatures has begun production on its first animated feature film for its popular franchise, Mutant: Year Zero. Based on Mutant: Year Zero Road to Eden, a tactical adventure video game first released in 2018, the film follows an unlikely team of animal-mutants as they navigate a post-apocalyptic wasteland in search of answers. The project will feature the voices of Dolph Lundgren (Expend4bles, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom) and Ian McElhinney (The Outlaws, Game Of Thrones). The film is being produced and directed by Hasraf ‘HaZ’ Dulull, who started his career in video games and visual effects (The Dark Knight, Hellboy2) before moving into filmmaking (The Beyond, Fast Layne).
The official synopsis reads:
“Set in a post-apocalyptic world, where an unlikely team of animal-mutants, led by a witty duck and a gruff boar, set out on a dangerous mission to reclaim an essential generator stolen from their sanctuary, the Ark. Together, the group of scavengers uncover a deeper truth behind the Ark’s divisions, confront the oppressive regime of the Elder, and discover the secrets that could reshape their dystopian existence.”
According to the producers, Mutant: Year Zero film will be made using Unreal Engine 5.The team will introduce all-new animation assets that expand the storyline of Mutant: Year Zero Road to Eden, which was developed using Unreal technology, while additionally revitalizing original assets for a cinematic experience. The film is also produced by Heroic Signatures president Fred Malmberg and Pathfinder founding partner Mark Wheeler. Developed in collaboration with HaZimation and Northern Ireland Screen, the national screen agency for Northern Ireland, additional film creatives include Paula Crickard, producer (Expend4bles, Memory, My House), and music composer Edward White (Gears of War, Transformers: Reactivate).
“We cannot wait for fans to get a glimpse at what we have been working on to bring Mutant: Year Zero to life as an animated feature film,” said Fred Malmberg, President, Heroic Signatures and Mutant: Year Zero producer. “Our goal at Heroic is to constantly challenge ourselves to create fresh, expanded experiences across different media based on our adventurous characters and stories for both existing fans and new ones.”
Mutant: Year Zero Road to Eden was originally released in 2018 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, followed by Nintendo Switch in 2019 and has had over 4 million copies downloaded worldwide. The video game exists within the Mutant franchise, which originated as the “Mutant” tabletop role-playing game in the late 1980s and has since grown to include, in addition to the video game, several supplements to the core tabletop game as well as a miniatures game, and a series of novels. Heroic Signatures, known for its iconic IP, including Conan the Barbarian, will be at San Diego Comic Con on Sunday, July 28, 2024 for a panel to discuss the incredible success of comics over the last year, including a closer look at the making of Savage Sword of Conan and a sneak peek at upcoming releases for Conan.
For more info, visit https://heroicsignatures.com/