Upcoming U.K. animated feature The Land of Sometimes has signed on Jessica Henwick (Glass Onion) and Alisha Weir (Abigail) to voice roles in the fantasy-adventure. Produced by Two Daughters Entertainment (Moley) and represented for global sales by Kaleidoscope Film Distribution, the film will offer a first look at the Cannes Marché du Film next week.
Henwick and Weir join previously booked voice stars Ewan McGregor (Star Wars franchise, Christopher Robin), Helena Bonham Carter (Harry Potter franchise, Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland), Joseph Quinn (Stranger Things, Dickensian) and late Monty Python co-creator Terry Jones in one of his last roles.
Based on the original audiobook by Francesca Longrigg, The Land of Sometimes is directed by Leon Joosen (Moley, Saving Santa) from a screenplay by producer Tony Nottage (Saving Santa). Somu Mohapatra, CEO of Cosmo-Giantwheel Animation Studios, is head of animation on the project. Executive producers are Bonnie Arnold (How to Train Your Dragon), Alan Yentob (Billy Elliott), Two Daughters’ CEO James Reatchlous and Managing Director Simon Bobin and Kaleidoscope CEO Spencer Pollard.
[Source: Variety]