Hulu has renewed the recently defrosted adult animated series Futurama, which hails from 20th Television Animation, for two seasons (Seasons 13 and 14), an additional 20 episodes. The platform revived series in 2022 with a 20-episode order, premiering Season 11 on July 24 following a big splashdown at San Diego Comic-Con with Hulu’s ‘Animayhem’.
Season 11 is Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes at 86%, and was on Nielsen’s Top 10 Original Series List for six of the weeks during its run. Season 12 is expected to debut on Hulu in 2024.
Futurama originally’ premiered in 1999 and went on to win two primetime Emmys for Outstanding Animated Program. The series follows Philip J. Fry (voiced by Billy West), a New York City pizza delivery boy, who accidentally freezes himself in 1999 and gets defrosted in the year 3000. In this astonishing New New York, he befriends hard-drinking robot Bender (John DiMaggio), and falls in love with cyclops Leela (Katey Sagal). The trio find work at the Planet Express Delivery Company, founded by Fry’s doddering descendant, Professor Hubert Farnsworth (West). Together with accountant Hermes Conrad (Phil LaMarr), assistant Amy Wong (Lauren Tom) and alien lobster Dr. John Zoidberg (West), they embark on thrilling adventures that take them to every corner of the universe.
After its initial run on the Fox Broadcasting Network, four successful direct-to-DVD releases in 2007-2009 led to the show’s rebirth on Comedy Central from 2010-2013 prior to the Hulu revival.
The 10 new episodes of S11 are accessible to new viewers while offering payoffs to long-time fans, including developments in the epic love story of Fry and Leela, the mysterious contents of Nibbler’s litter box, the secret history of evil Robot Santa, and the whereabouts of Kif and Amy’s tadpoles. Meanwhile there’s a whole new pandemic in town as the crew explores the future of vaccines, bitcoin, cancel culture and streaming TV.
Futurama is created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen. Executive producers include Groening, Cohen, Ken Keeler and Claudia Katz.
Hulu’s Animayhem sub-brand is home to over 20,000 episodes across adult animation and anime titles, including all episodes of Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, American Dad! and Futurama.