Directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Mark Andrews (Brave), Super Giant Robot Brothers is a 3D animated action-comedy that follows hilarious robot siblings — Shiny and Thunder — as they work together to defend Earth when space monsters attack. The series featured the voices of Marisa Davila, Chris Diamantopoulos and Delbert Hunt.
The new 10-episode Netflix series, brought to life with innovative real-time animation, begins the kaiju-busting brawl this Thursday (August 4) as part of the Netflix Kids & Family Summer Break Collecction.
We’re excited to give Animag readers a sneak peek at this very cool project in an exclusive clip, which showcases the colorfully contrasting personalities of Shiny and Thunder as they tackle the ultimate sibling challenge: surviving a road trip together.
The show is developed and produced by Reel FX, created and executive produced by Victor Maldonado and Alfredo Torres, and executive produced by showrunner Tommy Blancha as well as Jared Mass and Steve O’Brien from Reel FX Originals.
You can also check out the behind-the-scenes video released earlier this year, which shows how Reel FX’s virtual production pipeline allowed showrunners to shoot motion-capture actors live on stage, with stylized 3D animated characters and environments having already been built and living inside the Unreal Engine. Watch it here!
Super Giant Robot Brothers premieres on Netflix on August 4.