Trailer: New Satoshi Kon Doc ‘The Dream Machine’

Acclaimed and influential manga and anime creative legend Satoshi Kon will finally be celebrated in a dedicated documentary, helmed by multi-genre French filmmaker Pascal-Alex Vincent (Baby Shark, Candy Boy, Miwa: Looking for Black Lizard).

Author of several comics, a TV series and four feature films, Satoshi Kon (1963-2010) redefined the landscape of Japanese animation with his globally celebrated, visionary work. From thrillers and romances to comedy and science fiction, Kon tackled myriad genres to paint a fascinating portrait of 21st century Japan in animated triumphs Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika.

Satoshi Kon [photo: Kevin Clark / The Washington Post / Getty Images]
Satoshi Kon [photo: Kevin Clark / The Washington Post / Getty Images]
Satoshi Kon: la machine à rêves (The Dream Machine) will pull insights and anecdotes from interviews with Kon’s key collaborators and other leading creatives in Japanese animation, such as Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) and Mamoru Hosoda (Mirai). The documentary will also give voice to Western filmmakers influenced by Kon’s work, from Paris to Hollywood.

Satoshi Kon: The Dream Machine is coming soon to French theaters from Carlotta Films and Allerton Films.