The producers of The Inventor — an upcoming animated feature inspired by the life of the original Renaissance Man, Leonardo Da Vinci — have announced the launch of “The Inventor Award.” The initiative is a world-wide search for young inventors who have the chance to become part of the film’s epic stop-motion adventure.
The competition is calling for children to stretch their imaginations, embrace their curiosity and discover what they can invent from a simple cardboard box and recycled materials gathered around their homes — whether it’s a fun new game or a clever contraption. Participating kids and families can draw inspiration from a series of cardboard making workshops, videos and materials that will be available from “Cardboard Wizard” Lottie Smith as part of The Festival of Curiosity 2020 (July 16-19) when the contest opens.
Prizes for the competition will include some of the best children’s kits, toys and gadgets available today. The ultimate selection of tools for any young inventor, and the tools the producers fancy a 21st Leonardo Da Vinci would love to use. But most excitingly, the winner may very well find themselves as an animated 3D puppet interacting with Leonardo Da Vinci in the film.
Children don’t need any special equipment to enter the competition and it’s open to kids and families across the globe.
The Inventor is written, directed and produced by Oscar-nominated Disney/Pixar vetaran Jim Capobianco (Ratatouille, The Lion King, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, Inside Out, Finding Dory); Cartoon Saloon’s Tomm Moore (Song of the Sea, Secret of Kells) is overseeing 2D sequences. The lead voice actors of the Cartoon Movie-selected project were recently announced as Stephen Fry and Daisy Ridley.
Synopsis: In 1516, rather than paint “pretty” pictures for the Pope, the insatiably curious Leonardo da Vinci is instead searching for the meaning of life itself. This deadly heresy forces Leo to flee Italy with his apprentices and arrive at the court of Francis I, where he proposes to create the “Ideal City”. A city designed to benefit people not control them. However, Leonardo finds his new radical ideas do not please the King’s Mother nor do his endeavors serve the king’s ambitions for power. It is only in the enterprising princess, Marguerite, that Leonardo sees hope for the future. It is with her help that he finds the answer to the ultimate question: “What is the meaning of it all?”
The Inventor Award competition goes live on July 16. Learn more and sign up to be notified of the launch at