‘Millennium Actress’ Makes Blu-ray Debut with Shout!, Eleven Arts

A gorgeous new restoration of the captivating anime feature Millennium Actress will be released on Blu-ray + DVD combo pack and digital download on November 19, from ELEVEN ARTS Anime Studio and Shout! Factory. From legendary director Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers) and famed studio Madhouse (Perfect Blue, Wolf Children, Death Note), the 2002 film earned countless awards and recognitions, including Grand Prize winner in the Japan Agency of Cultural Affairs Media Arts Festival.

This release includes the original Japanese audio and a new English dub.

Fans ordering directly from will receive a limited-edition lithograph, available while supplies last.

Synopsis: When the legendary Ginei Studios shuts down, filmmaker Genya Tachibana and his assistant are tasked with interviewing its reclusive star, Chiyoko Fujiwara, who had retired from the spotlight 30 years prior. As Chiyoko recounts her career, Genya and his crew are literally pulled into her memories where they witness her chance encounter with a mysterious man on the run from the police. Despite never knowing his name or his face, Chiyoko relentlessly pursues that man in a seamless blend of reality and memory that only Satoshi Kon could deliver.

Special Features:

  • Masao Maruyama Full Interview
  • Taro Maki Full Interview
  • Laura Post (Eiko) Interview
  • Abby Trott (Young Chiyoko) Interview
Millennium Actress
Millennium Actress