Organizers of the 2019 Annecy Festival (June 10-15) have confirmed that two eagerly awaited works are joining the official feature film competition. Recently confirmed for the Festival de Cannes (May 14-25), I Lost My Body and The Swallows of Kabul will enliven the line-up, Artistic Director Marcel Jean announced.
I Lost My Body, by Jérémy Clapin (Xilam Animation) In Paris a young man’s cut-off hand escapes from a dissection lab with one crucial goal: to return to its body. As it scrambles through the perilous streets of Paris, it remembers its life with the young man it was once attached to, up until he met Gabrielle.
The Swallows of Kabul, by Zabou Breitman & Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec (Les Armateurs, Studio 352) Summer 1998 – Kabul under Taliban rule. Zunaira and Mohsen are young and in love. Despite the daily violence and misery, they hope for a better future. One day, a foolish gesture causes life to take an irrevocable turn.