Younglings of Earth can prepare for educational adventures set in George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away, as new animated series Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures is set to debut on the all-new site and Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on November 30.
Directed by Barry Kelly and crafted at Titmouse animation studio, Galaxy of Adventures will launch with six shorts which combine original dialogue, music and sound effects with bold visuals and fun, educational add-ons designed to help more experienced Jedi guide children on their first voyages into the Star Wars galaxy. Additional shorts featuring favorite characters will debut in December, with more to follow in 2019.
“With Galaxy of Adventures, we wanted to craft something that allowed parents to help their kids take their first step into a much larger world whether they were ready to show their kids the films or wanted to find new ways to explore the content,” James Waugh, Lucasfilm’s VP for franchise content and strategy, told Read the full interview here.