Exclusive Clip: Eep Gets Existential in ‘Dawn of the Croods’ S4

Where do we come from? Is life just random and cruel? What’s the deal with boogers? These are some of the big questions humanity has been pondering since the early days. And in an exclusive clip you can check out below, you can see how Dawn of the Croods addresses them in the brand new fourth season.

In “The Great Foot in the Sky,” when Eep begins to question why bad things happen, she has a strange vision that lands her in front of the creator of Aaahh! Valley. Will she find the answers she’s looking for? It all becomes clear in the all-new season of Dawn of the Croods, coming to Netflix July 7!

You can also get a quite recap of where Eep and the Croods stand here.

Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods
Dawn of the Croods