Youth Media Alliance Brings Taste of Canada to Kidscreen

Montreal-based Youth Media Alliance is planning its next big mission to the Kidscreen Summit in Miami, February 13-16, thanks to the renewed support of the Canada Media Fund, Telefilm Canada, SODEC (cultural enterprises development society), Ontario Media Development Corporation, Creative BC, Nova Scotia Business, CMPA’s BC Producers Branch, and the Consulate General of Canada in Miami.

A delegation of more than 350 content creators and Canadian audiovisual industry leaders will be among the 1,700-plus participants expected to attend the teens’ and kids’ on-screen content market from some 50 different countries.

YMA and its partners have organized a networking event for Tuesday, February 14: Canadians can invite their clients to a reception as favorite local hotspot Soya & Pomodoro, conveniently located near the event venue, the InterContinental Hotel.

As part of the ongoing effort to support development and production of Canadian content on a national and international scale, seven roundtable meetings will be open to Summit participants. (Those taking part are also eligible for an accreditation rate discount.)

Also worth noting: the February 16 panel “Encouraging Co-Viewing in the Digital Age” will spotlight Canadian initiatives as producers and broadcasters discuss the best strategies for making kids’ content more appealing to parents as well as children, in a context where viewing time is now divided among different types of screens.

The panel session will be led by John Rooney (consultant, Johnromedia), with Sarah Haasz (director, original production, DHX Media), Michael Hefferon (president and chief creative officer, Rainmaker Entertainment), Tom McGillis (president and executive producer, Fresh TV), and Carlos Soldevila (co-founder, president, and executive producer, Trio Orange).
