HBO will premiere a new animated series from production house Duplass Brothers TV, Animals, on Friday, February 5 at 11:30 p.m. ET/PT. The adult-targeted series debuted the first two episodes at last year’s Sundance festival, leading to an order for two seasons from the network.
Created by advertising creative Phil Matarese and Mike Luciano and produced by Mark and Jay Duplass, Animals turns the spotlight on the lowly urban-dwelling creatures trying to get by in New York City. Projecting human existential crises and questionable morals on lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons and bedbugs going through middle life, the show is largely voiced by Matarese and Luciano with guest voices from the likes of The League stars Katie Aselton, Mark Duplass, Nick Kroll and Jason Mantzoukas, and Childrens Hospital‘s Rob Corddry and Molly Shannon.
Animals is being animated by Starburns Industries, which also delivered stop-motion indie feature Anomalisa and hit 2D Adult Swim series Rick and Morty.