Netflix has released the official trailer for its upcoming original animated series F Is for Family, a retro period-comedy created by comedian Bill Burr and Emmy-winning writer/producer Michael Price (The Simpsons). Burr recently released a teaser for the 2D show via Twitter, sharing that episodes will arrive for streaming on December 18.
F Is for Family follows the Murphy family in 1970s America — a time when you could smack your kid, smoke inside and bring a gun to the airport. Burr voices Frank Murphy, the family’s extreme patriarch. Laura Dern voices his wife, Sue, and Justin Long voices oldest son Kevin. The series is executive produced by Burr, Vince Vaughn (Art of Conflict, The Break Up), Peter Billingsley (Dinner for Five, Couples Retreat) and showrunner Michael Price. Wilt West Television’s Michael Lagnese and Victoria Vaughn are co-executive producers.