Full Lineup of Italy’s VIEW Confab Is Announced

The full line-up for this year’s VIEW entertainment technology confab in Turin, Italy has been announced. Registration is now open for the event, which takes place Oct. 15-18.

ILM’s chief creative officer John Knoll, Pacific Rim vfx supe and Oscar-winner for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest will deliver this year’s keynote.

Among the event’s other guests and panelists:

  • Roger Guyett of Industrial Light & Magic, vfx supervisor and second unit director for Star Trek Into Darkness.
  • Eric Nash, Digital Domain’s vfx supervisor, Iron Man 3.
  • Peter Muyzers of Image Engine, vfx supervisor, Elysium.
  • Troy Saliba, Sony Pictures Imageworks, supervising animator, Oz the Great and Powerful.
  • Parag Havaldar, Sony Pictures Imageworks, software architect.
  • Marco Carboni, crowd simulation lead, Moving Picture Company, World War Z.
  • Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn, Sony Pictures Animation’s Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.
  • Stephan Franck, director, Sony’s The Smurfs: The Legend of Smurfy Hollow and co- creator of the animated TV series, Corneil and Bernie.
  • Sandra Karpman, technical director, Pixar, Monsters University.
  • Lucia Modesta, technical director, DreamWorks Animation, Turbo, The Croods.
  • Bruno Chauffard, CG supervisor, MacGuff, Despicable Me 2.
  • Paul Debevec, associate director of graphics research at USC’s Institute for Creative Technologies.
  • Javier Jimenez, creative director, Mirada.

A list of these workshops, which participants can reserve in advance, is on the VIEW conference website,

Preceding the VIEW conference, the annual VIEWFest, the Italian evolution of Resfest, features presentations by Monsters University director Dan Scanlon of Pixar Animation Studios, the European premiere of Siggraph 2013’s Electronic Theater’s selection of the best short films, visual effects excerpts, scientific visualizations, game cinematics and commercials.

“I am so excited to let people know more about our VIEW 2013 program,” says conference director Maria Elena Gutierrez. “We have extraordinary artists coming to Turin from the worlds of live action visual effects, commercial production, animated features and short films, game development, and technical innovation to share their knowledge and inspire our attendees. I always say this year’s VIEW Conference will be the best one yet, and I’m going to say it again.”

For more info, visit and

VIEW Conference
VIEW Conference