This Monday (Nov. 21) marks the debut episode of a new character, Me-Mow on Adventure Time. This wonderful mini assassin cat was created by a 14-year-old fan of the show from Orange City, Florida, who sent in his drawing to series creator Pendleton Ward at Cartoon Network. The family got a phone call from the show saying that they wanted to develop and incorporate the fantastic feline into an episode. According to series creator Ward, he liked the character instantly because “it’s so cute and was drawn by a tiny kid.”
In the episode titled “Jake vs. Me-Mow,” (Season 3, Episode 16) the cat, who is armed with a knife and a needle, is trying to kill Wildberry Princess in order to become a full-member assassin. Me-Mow is voiced by Kyla Rae Kowalewski. Adventure Time airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on Cartoon Network.
Here is the short animatic for the show
Here is the preview: